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发布:2013-01-03  来源:

这篇关于“成人英语论说文写作方法及技巧第2页”的作文,是由江苏招生教育网作文频道 http://zuowen.js-zs.org 整理,可供大家参考,希望大家喜欢!


  1.Firstly,it is very convenient in daily life.There are many shops and supermarkets in a city.I can buy everything I need easily in these places.When I am sick,I can easily see a doctor in any clinic or hospital.Transport services are good in a city.when I want to go somewhere,I can take a bus,a train or something else.There are also many kinds of entertainment in a city.Public buildings(such as libraries)and parks can easity be found in a city,too.作文网高中

  2.First.it is convenient and comfortable to live in a city.To begin with,there is good housing in a city,as all the houses and flats are well-equipped with good facilities and surrounded by modern amenities such as places of entertainment,public libraries and parks.


  1.Students always feel relaxed and happy during breaks.(叙述性句子)

  2.Break times are scheduled for about 10 minutes.(说明性句子)


  Although some people believe that students should stay in their own classrooms during break times,I would like to argue that we should be allowed to spend break times in another class.

  The most important reason for believing that is that many students have friends in other classes.We spend all day in our own classroom,and break times are the only time we have to spend with other friends.It can become very tedious(令人厌倦的)to have to spend even more time with the same people.

  A further reason for allowing student to choose where they spend their break times is that it would stop arguements.If students are forced to spend time with classmates who are not good friends,they can annoy each other.This leads to problems that have to be sorted out by teachers.

  Teachers argue that we all should stay in our own classes,because it is then easier to know what is going on.They say that it is difficult to keep track of students when they are walking round the corridors.However,students could be given the chance to choose a different classroom to spend the whole break time in.That would mean that there would not be any students in the corridors.

  As I have explained,although it might be a little easier to manage when everyone stays in their own classroom,it would make break times happier for all students if they were allowed to choose where they spent their time.






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