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发布:2013-02-26  来源:

这篇关于“5篇初二寒假英语日记带翻译”的作文,是由江苏招生教育网作文频道 http://zuowen.js-zs.org 整理,可供大家参考,希望大家喜欢!

My Chinese New Year for this year was fantastic! I went to Hai Nan with my parents during the Chinese New Year and visited my relatives over there. The weather over there was beautiful. It was so much warmer than my city. We stayed in a hotel and we spent a lot of time on the beaches. My parents also took me for a ride round the island. It was so much fun and I wish it was longer. 我今年的新年特别棒! 我和父母往了海南往投亲。那里的天色特别好,比我们这里温热多了。我们停留在一个酒店里,花了良多时间在海边。我父母还开车带我围着海岛转了一圈。这个假日很开心 ,我好但愿那假日长一点啊! Sick I woke up late today and my whole body was aching! I told my mom and mom found out that I also had fever. She took me to the hospital and we saw so many people waiting outside of the emergency room. I was told that there is flu going on. I realized that maybe I caught it from someone at the movie theater yesterday. I should be more careful next time when I go out. 病了 我今天早晨醒来后浑身疼!我告诉了妈妈,妈妈发现我在发暖,就带我往了病院。我们望到良多人都在急诊室的门外等。有人说现在病毒性感冒很厉害。我意识到了,也许我昨天望片子的时候被人传染了。我今后出门的时候应该小心。 闻心居作文网



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