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发布:2013-02-26  来源:

这篇关于“初二英语作文带翻译自己写的,实际一点的”的作文,是由江苏招生教育网作文频道 http://zuowen.js-zs.org 整理,可供大家参考,希望大家喜欢!

Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water.作文网 初中
Water is found atmosteverywhere. Even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the air.
As we all have found out, water may be a solid, or a liquid or a gas.When it isa solid, it may be as hard as brick, When itis a liquid, you can pour it out of a container. When it is a gas, you cannot see or feel it.
Although about 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water,there are many places in the world still running out of water. So we should make good use of water on earth.


回答人的补充 2011-02-18 19:11 Spring Festival The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past, people could not often have meat, rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people's life is much better, and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday, and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family. In the evenings, we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes. I like the Spring Festival very much. How wonderful the Spring Festival is! 在中国,凡逢春节和其他的喜庆日子,人们总要燃放爆竹来表示庆贺.燃放爆竹可以说是中国民间一个十分重要的风俗习惯. 爆竹也叫"炮竹","爆仗","炮仗",平常人们更习惯叫"鞭炮",有大约2000多年的历史了.最早的爆竹叫"庭燎".是用竹竿一类的东西做成火炬,燃烧时发出噼噼啪啪的爆裂声,也叫"爆竿. 燃放爆竹风俗最早起因于驱鬼除邪,祈求一年的吉祥顺利.传说,有个叫做"山臊"的四角怪兽和恶鬼平常藏在深山,每隔365天便出来伤害人畜.这些无恶不做的坏东西害怕爆炸的声音和亮光.于是,每到岁末年首,人们就争着燃放鞭炮,用来驱赶"山臊"和恶鬼.



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