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发布:2013-03-06  来源:

这篇关于“【英语作文网】高二英语作文:高二英语作文精彩”的作文,是由江苏招生教育网作文频道 http://zuowen.js-zs.org 整理,可供大家参考,希望大家喜欢!

【出国留学网 - 英语作文】高二英语作文:高二英语作文出色范文400字 Deforestation作文网

In fact, desertification, global warming and other big problems are all the results of deforestation.

But many of us have not yet been clear enough about the importance of the problem .You may tell me that you yourself are quite aware of it. But do you still use the only-once chopsticks? And always think the paper handkerchiefs are not enough?

So there's a lot we have to change actually.

If you don't want to endanger the next generations and don't want to see an end to our planet, please take action!

Just stop using one more pair of that kind of chopsticks and take along a handkerchief, we can make a big difference. And when you're sure that you will not feel sorry to the environment, and your friends to come with you. The world belongs to all of us and we all have responsibility to make it better. If every one does make a little contribution to the environment. I believe a bright future of the planet will come soon.

《高二英语作文:高二英语作文出色范文400字 Deforestation》由出国留学编纂精心为你学习英语预备.liuxue86.com

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