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发布:2013-03-26  来源:

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时间:2011-03-31 18:00 来源: 作者:28教育网 点击:次作文网 小学

  Putting my lunch down, I stood up in front of my classmates and gave a suggestion. "Every year we play a prank here at the school. How about, this year, we don't. How about we play the prank from outside of school?" Michael chimed in, "How are we supposed to manage that? I don't think I follow."

  "Well," I went on, "I suggest that we don't even show up for school. I think our whole class should be absent." Everybody stared at me in complete shock. An entire class of thirty students, being absent on the same day would be an absolute riot. Michael has a big grin on his face, but the other students had a lot of questions.

  "How will we convince ALL our parents to let us stay home? The chances of each of us getting them to allow it are slim to none. If one person shows up because their parents force them to go, then the prank is ruined."

  I could see my idea wasn't winning them over, but then Michael stepped in, "Hey, I think Raquel has a great idea! This could be the funniest thing we do. Raquel, I think you found a winner." As soon as Michael accepted my idea, slowly everyone else did too. I could see they thought it was funny, but they were just worried it wouldn't work.

  April Fools day finally arrived and we set our plan into motion. The night before some students faked a stomach ache after dinner. Some of my classmates faked fevers that morning. One or two students actually had been sick and couldn't get out of bed. I told my parents that I had an awful headache and needed to stay home.

  Knowing what day it was, my parents asked if I was joking. I told them, "Are you kidding? Today we were going to play the best prank ever on Mrs. Butler, and I am so mad I'm going to miss it! I really am feeling sick though, and I think its better I stay in. I wish I could be there, but I just feel terrible." My parents, knowing how our class was well known for its pranks, believed that I was sad about missing out and allowed me to stay in. Little did they know, this was the prank!

  The next day we all showed up to class and sang to Mrs. Butler "April Fools!" She laughed and smiled and gave us a round of applause. "That was the best April Fools joke that has ever been pulled on me!" she said. "Any joke that gives me a day off of work is fine by me."

  I was proud of myself for getting the courage to suggest the prank, and I was even more proud that people liked it- including my teacher. It was a moment in my childhood that I'll never forget, and I'm sure the school never has either.

本文编纂:28教育网 ,转载请注明!!

上一篇:初三作文---泪花的毫光 下一篇:5.12汶川地震三周年纪念作文:归忆中诗歌的感恩

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