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发布:2012-12-20  来源:

这篇关于“初二英语作文(带译文)”的作文,是由江苏招生教育网作文频道 http://zuowen.js-zs.org 整理,可供大家参考,希望大家喜欢!

10年后的我可能是一个美食家.在酒店里我要对每一道菜做出评论,让来酒店的客人吃到最丰盛的美食.并且让世界各地的酒店老板都来请我往吃饭. 10年后的我可能是一个建设家.我要飞到太空往,在那里建一个太空酒店,让所有的地球人都到宇宙中往吃饭,休息. 10年后的我可能是一个画家.我要把夸姣的记忆画下来,让每一分每一秒都留在我的脑海里,让后来人都知道我们现在的情况. 10年后的我可能是一个科学家.我要把这所有的困难都解开,让人们糊口的无忧无虑,愿我们的世界没有灾荒,没有痛苦,一切夸姣. 可是我现在只是一个小学生,那么我只能让这个夸姣的愿瞅变成动力,激励自己好好学习,学好多好多本领.英文翻译10 years later I may be a gourmet. In the hotel, I would like to comment on each dish, to allow hotel guests to eat the most abundant food. And let the rest of the world to the hotel owners have asked me to dinner. 10 years later I may be building a home. I want to fly to space, where building a space hotel, to allow all people to the Earth in the universe to eat and rest. 10 years later I may be a painter. I should be happy memories of drawing down so that every second of each stay in my mind, so that later we will know that the present situation. 10 years later I may be a scientist. I want all these problems are untied, let people live the carefree, we wish the world did not famine, no pain, all the better. But I now only a primary school students, then I can only make this a better desire to become a driving force, encouraging their study well, much better ability to learn a lot. 作文网高中



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